Our Episode of Flea Market Flip

The secret is out! It is time to tell...
Homeroad is going to be on HGTV's Flea Market Flip!

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

When we got the call from a casting agent that they were looking for people to be on Flea Market Flip we jumped at the chance.

We interviewed for a spot on the show and were over the top thrilled to find out we were accepted! 

A few weeks later we were on our way to the flea market to do some picking. We spent the night then woke up bright and early to meet our producers and cameramen...

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

The sweltering heat and humidity of the day aside, we had the best time meeting people, learning to speak on camera, and choosing our awesome junked pieces for flipping.

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

The cast and crew of Flea Market Flip couldn't have been nicer! They had a great breakfast and lunch for us as we waited our turn to film.

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

Lara Spencer was there to show us around the flea market and encourage us to negotiate with the sellers.  Lara is lovely and very knowledgeable about getting the best prices.

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

We went home completely exhausted but so excited to be a part of this amazing experience.

A few weeks later we were on our way to the Flea Market Flip workshop in CT to turn our flea market finds into fabulous flips... 

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

The workshop was something people like me dream about... look at all those power tools!

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

We worked hard all day painting, cutting, sanding, and gluing and went home totally satisfied with the beautiful projects we created. Everything we had envisioned at the flea market was now a beautiful finished piece.

I'd love to tell you all about our awesome flips but you will have to wait and see the show!

The third part of our show took place at a flea market in NYC.  We lined up our gorgeous flipped projects and sold our little hearts out. 

Our episode is called "The Empire State vs. The Garden State" and here we are with our talented competition...

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net

Our episode will air in reruns on HGTV or HGTV.com

I hope you will watch, see what we created, and which state actually took home the prize!

Our Upcoming Episode of Flea Market Flip www.homeroad.net



I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .