Inexpensive Garden Junk Ideas

Thanks for stopping by to visit my junky garden.
In my garden, old galvanized tubs on a rolling wooden cart with a rusty funnel as an accent piece.
By following the bold red links in this post you will be taken to more information and DIY tutorials.
My old wooden picnic table transformed into a potting bench on the side of the shed.
Like my birdhouse?
You can see how I built it with all free junky parts.
Or maybe this license plate birdhouse I made from a table that needs to be put back in the garden as soon as the new fence goes in.

The galvanized bucket on the table holds my potting soil.
It used to be a new shiny can until I used this to antique and age the finish.

One of my favorite garden decorations is an old chippy window and shutters leaning against the English Ivy.
The ivy has taken over the yard and behind this tangle of leaves is a wooden fence not long for this world.
I wrote a post about how I easily cleaned up and mulched this area.

An old iron Christmas tree stand holds a flower pot.

An old rusty spring makes the perfect centerpiece in this flower pot.... just waiting for the flowers to bloom in the center.

Another chippy window... this time hung on the fence with screws... (probably keeping this old fence together)
Speaking of hanging on the fence, did you read about how I hung things on the new vinyl fence?
It was a great idea!

These marigolds are loving life in a garden tote I built myself.
It is one of my very first power tool projects and it's made from old pergola wood.
(and yes that is a crow bar for a handle)

The last stop is the fire pit we built ourselves and the American Flag made from pallet wood.

Hope you enjoyed the many ideas I used for inexpensive garden junk you can use in your own gardens.
UPDATE: The new vinyl fence is in all around the property... come by and see how it looks! Check out more ideas using junk ! Please pin for later --->>