Painted Fabric Bench with Buffalo Check

This bench was from Facebook marketplace.
As you scroll through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links for all the details on these projects!
It was one of those pieces that was inexpensive but slightly less than you thought it was before you drove there to pick it up.
It had some cat scratch damage and several stains on the top of the fabric.
This piece ended up piled high with clothes in a spare room and I've had big plans to paint the fabric with Fusion Mineral Paint for a long time.
Today ended up to be the day!
I gathered my supplies and headed outdoors.
It was a beautiful dry day, perfect for painting!
I began by spraying the bench with a little water, this helps the paint to spread easier.
You don't want too much water because it can water down the paint.
The next step was to just begin painting.
I painted the entire piece, waited a little while for it to dry, then gave it another coat.
For a Fusion Mineral Paint dealer near you, please visit the bold link.
My original thought was to tape off the nail heads but after the first coat I changed my mind and decided to pull off the tape and just paint over them.
I taped the legs so the paint wouldn't get on the wood.
The bench was finished in no time.
You may be thinking that the fabric was stiff and felt like it had been painted but it wasn't.
It was more like a canvas sail cloth feel and it was just perfect for this bench.
Next I wanted to decorate the top of the bench with a buffalo check stencil.
I'm using the small sized buffalo check from Old Sign Stencils.
Donna from Funky Junk Interiors makes and sells beautiful, great quality stencils that I use on everything!
I am a big lover of buffalo check so this one is my favorite!
This is the small size, it also comes in a large check.
You can take a look at the entire collection by visiting the bold link above.
Please note that all prices are in Canadian so they look slightly higher than you will pay if you are in the USA.
This stencil is easy to use, my only hint is to use almost no paint on your brush!
I wipe off my brush on cardboard and then a rag before I lay it down on the stencil.
You can go over the stencil several times to get the desired color.
For this project I wanted it to look worn so I did it lightly in some parts and darker in others.
I'm putting this bench to good use in a narrow hallway in my house now instead of piled high with clothes.
So to answer the age-old question... yes you can paint fabric with Fusion Mineral Paint.
No it does not feel hard and cracked.
It feels like canvas and it looks amazing!
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