Vintage Recycled Fabric Ghosts

This is such an easy and fun project for Halloween and if you're a fan of the vintage look then you're gonna love this recycled fabric ghost project. 

You really don't need any special supplies either.

The vintage look is amazing and these ghosts came out adorable! 

I stiffened the fabric for these ghosts like the ones I've seen made with cheesecloth but today I had a better idea that would use recycled fabric.

Take a look... 


fabric ghosts and mushrooms

As I've said, I've seen these made with cheesecloth but not only did I not have cheesecloth but using recycled fabrics is my thing.

As you're reading through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links that will take you to more information and the products I used for this project. Also the READ MORE sections will take you to related Homeroad projects. 

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I have an old pair of faded Ikea curtains that I've used for a ton of Homeroad recycled fabric projects and I'm using the last of it today on recycled fabric ghosts. 

First, to make these ghosts I needed a form for the ghosts. I had no special supplies, no styrofoam balls, no balloons, only what I had around the house. 

For the first ghost I used a whiffle ball from my yard and a solo cup. I taped them together with painter's tape. 

whiffle ball on a solo cup

For the second and smaller ghost I used a small mason jar with a ring lid and a lightbulb.

mason jar and light bulb


To stiffen the fabric I used Mod Podge Fabric Stiffener.  If you don't have this I don't see why you couldn't use regular white school glue watered down a little bit. I've had this bottle in the closet for years!

mod podge stiffener bottle

I soaked the fabric for both ghosts in the stiffener for just a minute then squeezed out the liquid. 

fabric in a tub

I draped the wet fabric over each of the ghost forms and arranged the fabric evenly so it draped like a ghost. I used plenty of fabric so it draped correctly, the fabric can be trimmed later on. 

As the ghosts were drying I used a paintbrush to brush on a little more stiffener just to be sure since this fabric was thicker than cheesecloth. 

wet fabric draped over ghost form

I left the ghosts in my basement workshop to dry overnight. 

ghosts draped with fabric in basement

In the morning I pulled the forms out from under the fabric and trimmed the extra fabric along the bottom of the ghost.  It was just a tiny bit difficult to remove the light bulb but I pulled it off carefully. 

trimmed ghost shapes on drying rack

I put the ghosts on a cookie rack to dry some more because the bottom fabric was still a little damp even the next morning. 

fabric ghosts with eyes on drying rack

When the ghosts were completely dry I used a Sharpie permanent marker to draw the eyes. 

ghosts with eyes and battery operated votives

As you can see in the photo I plan on using battery operated votive candles to light up my ghosts when they are finished. Keep reading...

vintage looking ghosts with eyes and a mushroom

Aren't they so cute?!!

ghosts and mushroom by brick wall

Please pin for later --->>

ghosts and mushroom with overlay

These cuties will look good anywhere you display them for Halloween. 

fabric ghosts and mushroom


Ghosts and mushrooms

And like I've said before, I'm not a big fan of the bright and plastic Halloween decor. I prefer to make my own decorations and I love the vintage look. 

ghosts on wooden board

Recently I made a jack-o-lantern banner for my mantel with a vintage look using drop cloth fabric. 

ghosts on wire rack

I hope you like this cute and easy recycled fabric ghost project, I sure do! 

Ghosts and mushrooms


lit up fabric ghosts

fabric ghosts and fall leaves

And the best part... they light up at night and look amazing!!!

ghosts lit up at night

And then I had the idea to add dollar store puck lights which were so bright they lit the ghosts up even in the day!

ghosts with puck lights

Another idea is to add a little distressed sign on the ghosts that says BOO! I used a stamp pad to distress the edges and alphabet stamps for the lettering. 

fabric ghosts with BOO sign

lit up fabric ghosts with BOO sign

Or how about a cute little felt witches hat?

ghost with witches hat

Before you go please take a minute to sign up for the Homeroad emails so my next fun DIY tutorial will go out straight to you!

ghosts with puck lights

ghosts and mushrooms with a black crow



I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .