A Beach Clean-up and a Pumpkin!
This project is a little bit repurposed, a little bit beach clean-up, and a whole lot of pumpkin! I love using found objects to create repurposed projects and this repurposed fall pumpkin is no exception!

Here was the beach clean-up part.
This is just some of the drift wood and beach junk I found while on vacation this summer.
You can read all about the Hanging Driftwood Fish and the Driftwood Flower Vase I made with the driftwood I found.
Today, I'm repurposing that badminton racket.
Some unlucky person was probably playing badminton on the beach and the racket broke.
Their bad luck and litter was my rusty, metal, lucky find!
The first thing I did to create this pumpkin craft was to spray paint the racket orange.
A good start for this Fall project!
Please visit all the bold links in this post to see the projects and products mentioned.

I let it dry then created a stem using a green mercury glass knob.
It fit perfectly inside the place where the handle was attached.
I added a leaf and a wire tendril with E6000 glue then let it dry.

I added a few tiny stained clothespins, you can read here How to Stain Clothespins.

These tiny clothespins are going to hold vintage tags and photos for a one of a kind Fall photo decoration.

It's the perfect size for a small space like this rusty crib spring we use as a memo board in our kitchen.
Please consider doing a small beach clean up the next time you visit the beach.
There is so much to pick up and if everyone collected just one bag of trash, the beach would be a cleaner place.

Wouldn't it be nice if for every person that left something on the beach, there was someone like me that picked it up and turned it into something new?!

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