DIY Glitter Wing Angel Ornaments
I've been busy for months making all kinds of ornaments and it's almost go time!
Today I'm showing you how I made angel ornaments with glittered wings. I searched my workshop for pieces I could use and here's what I came up with.

I had a whole bunch of wooden dowels from a math toy I disassembled recently, they just happened to have holes in them for the hangers!
I added heads to the dowels using mini wooden candle cups.
I painted each cup with a skin color and added a grommet piece on top for a halo.
I drew the shape of an angel wing and traced it onto glittered card stock for the wings.
Each angel got a little angel face using a fine point sharpie marker.
A little wooden glittered star adorns each little angels chest.
Another version of these cute little angels was made the same way using vintage clothespins.