Easy to Make Sweater Pillow Cover

 When your favorite sweater shrinks in the dryer, there is nothing left to do but to repurpose it. See how I turned a sweater into a pillow cover in no time... with no sewing! 

cheetah pillow made from a sweater

This project was pretty easy to do, especially since there was no sewing involved. 

Here are the supplies I used for this project:
  • scissors
  • an old sweater
  • fabric glue sticks
My sweater accidentally ended up in the dryer and I was ready to send it to the donation pile. 

It was a pretty new sweater so I decided instead to repurpose it and make a cover for the pillow in my office. 

cheetah sweater laying on a poof

I began by laying the sweater out on the floor and cutting it down the center of the sweater and across to the sleeve. 

sweater laid out on the floor

I was careful not to let the sweater unravel. 

I kept the pocket on the front of the pillow and you'll see why at the end of this tutorial. 

wrapping the sweater around a pillow

Next, using the fabric glue sticks I recently discovered, I glued the seams closed by tucking them in and running a bead of glue. 

Amazon affiliate disclaimer

I think this hot glue is fabulous! And no I'm not working for the company! 

gluing the seams with hot glue

The fact that it works on sweater material is amazing! 

I did this all the way around the pillow. 

You can see how well it works, you can't tell I didn't sew it. 

glued seams on a pillow

Now all there was left to do was to put it back on my chair with its new winter look. 

As you can see I'm a fan of cheetah print. 

Cheetah print blanket and pillow cover

And now for the reason I saved the pocket from the sweater...

Its a great place to keep the remote! 

remote in the sweater pocket on the pillow

And what happened to the rest of the sweater? 

Well one of the sleeves became a vase cover and yes, the hot glue for fabric once again seamed the opening at the bottom. 

I just slipped the sleeve over a glass vase and glued the bottom.

sweater vase cover with flowers

Thanks so much for visiting and I hope you'll sign up for the Homeroad emails before you go so I can send my latest DIY tutorial straight to you! 

sweater vase in a galvanized centerpiece for thanksgiving


I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .