Painted Mushrooms for Spring

 Here is a super easy mushroom project made from Target Dollar Spot finds. 

Truth be told, I'm just giving the mushrooms a little makeover today. 

I needed these cuties to match my house so I'm repainting them to add to my mushroom collection centerpiece. 

Take a look...

mushroom collection

It all began with this cute little mushroom garden I made recently

mushroom garden

I really love making mushrooms for some reason. They remind me of an early Spring day. 

While you're reading please visit the bold blue links for the products I used and links to related Homeroad projects. The READ NOW section will take you to bonus projects too! 

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Today I'm starting with these cute mushrooms that just needed a quick makeover, they were just not the right colors for me. 

dollar spot mushrooms

I'm using Fusion Mineral Paint in Raw Silk and Bayberry. The Raw Silk color reminds me so much of a mushroom color with it's grey undertones. 

white mushrooms

I gave the mushrooms a quick coat of the white-ish paint leaving the original stem color because it works! 

painting mushrooms

painted mushrooms in white and green

I painted 2 of the mushrooms in the Raw Silk and one in the Bayberry green. They needed about 2 coats. 

repainted mushrooms

When the paint dried I used the back of a pencil eraser to dab on dots in the contrasting color. 

mushrooms with dots

That is about all I needed to do to transform these cute mushrooms into mushrooms that match my decor. 

mushrooms with polka dots

Pin to Pinterest for later --->> 

mushrooms with overlay

I'm adding them to my wooden table centerpiece and early Spring decor. 

wooden tray with mushrooms


These wooden mushrooms have been around for a while. I am not sure what their original use was. 

wooden mushrooms

You can read all about the wooden table runner too! 

mushrooms on wooden tray


mushroom centerpiece

mushroom centerpiece

Thanks so much for visiting and before you go please sign up for the Homeroad emails so my next DIY tutorial will go out straight to you!

painted mushroom centerpiece



I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .