Sherpa Mushroom Christmas Ornaments

Today I'm grabbing some recycled sherpa from the donation pile in my basement. 

I have several daughters and a few still live at home or very near by and they have more used clothing to donate than I can even believe! 

Repurposing fabric is a great way to recycle and the cute projects you can make with them are not only cute but very cost effective. 

Today I'm making mushroom ornaments made with a recycled sherpa jacket... let's call them Sherpa Shrooms! 

Take a look...


Sherpa mushroom ornaments with book page bottoms

This project was so easy to make, not as much work as the velvet mushroom ornaments I made last week but just as cute! 

As you're reading through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links that will take you to more information and the products I used for this project. Also the READ MORE sections will take you to related Homeroad projects. 

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I began with a piece of sherpa from a jacket. I used this fabric before on the sherpa carrot project last year. I also used it on the bunny wreath I made for the front door. 

piece of sherpa jacket

It's hard to believe I have any left but I do and today it will be mushrooms! 

I bought 2 1/2" styrofoam balls and cut them in half with a sharp knife. 

styrofoam balls and knife

I cut a piece of sherpa fabric big enough to wrap around the styrofoam ball and trimmed the corners. The sherpa sticks very well to the styrofoam and was easy to wrap around the ball. 

sherpa fabric around a half styrofoam ball

The sherpa is attached to the styrofoam ball with hot glue leaving a little space in the center to add a stem 

sherpa wrapped ball

For the mushroom stem I'm using cinnamon sticks. I bought a pack of them and broke them in half so they were about 3" long. This cinnamon smells so good!!

package of cinnamon sticks

The cinnamon sticks are stuck into the center of the mushroom with hot glue. 

Next, I saw someone make this kind of mushroom bottom using folded fabric. I cut book pages into 1" strips and zig zag folded them attaching 2 together. 

strip of book page

accordion book page pieces

Once the 2 strips were attached I attached the other ends to form a circle. 

circle of book page zig zag folded

Using hot glue again, I laid the circle of book pages around the mushroom stem and glued one edge against the cinnamon stick stem. 

book page bottom of sherpa mushrooms

This was a little tricky but if you go slow it works great! 

bottom of sherpa mushroom ornament

On the top of the mushroom I needed a hanger so I cut pieces of waxed string, tied it into a loop and wrapped it around a small gold push pin. I used hot glue on the tip of the push pin to keep it in the mushroom. 

string and tacks

sherpa mushrooms with tacks and string hangers

That's it! 

cinnamon and sherpa ornaments

They look so cute and cozy! If you don't want to make ornaments, these would look great in a wooden bowl. 

sherpa ornaments with book page bottoms and cinnamon stems

Please pin for later --->>

tree with mushrooms and overlay

Hang them on a small tree or fill your large tree with home made ornaments this year! 

small tree with sherpa mushrooms


book page bottoms on sherpa mushroom ornaments


Row of sherpa mushrooms

Thanks so much for visiting and before you go please take a minute to sign up for the Homeroad emails so my next DIY project will go out straight to you! 

mushroom ornaments on a tree with a wreath

That wreath holder was another easy Homeroad DIY project! 

tree with sherpa mushroom ornaments and overlay


I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .