Easy Repurposed Placemat Ornaments

Here's an easy one today! I'm making ornaments and a banner from a thrifted placemat! Yep, a placemat!

I was lucky enough to find fringed red and white striped placemats in the thrift store recently and I knew I'd use them for Christmas. 

Today was the day, I cut up one of the placemats and made the easiest stockings and mittens that can be hung on a banner or hung on the tree! 

Take a look...


red and white striped stocking banner

Here it is... the lucky placemat find. These placemats were just begging to be repurposed for Christmas.  I had all kinds of Christmas ideas running through my head but I settled on the easiest ones at this late date! 

red and white fringed placemat

As you're reading through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links that will take you to more information and the products I used for this project. Also the READ MORE sections will take you to related Homeroad projects. 

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I began by drawing a stocking shape on computer paper and cutting it out,

paper stocking shape

I traced it onto the placemat with the fringe at the top of my stocking, 

fringed mini stocking

I cut out the stockings then folded down the fringe and hot glued it closed. 

folded over fringe

Next, I created a little loop hanger from the finished edge of the placemat and glued it into place on the stocking. 

I'm not sewing this project but using hot glue to close up the edges. If you want to sew, a quick whip stitch around the edges would look great! 

hot glue on stocking

Lastly, I'm making the fabric look old using a brown stamp pad and a soft brush. Just brush along all the edges and slightly across the center of each stocking, 

antiquing with a stamp pad and brush

I made a few flags using some of the fringed scraps and folded them over and hot glued them closed. 

flags with fringe

When everything was distressed and ready, I strung the stockings and flags onto a piece of macrame twine to make a quick and easy banner.  A stained clothespin adds to the vibe! This post will show you how to stain them without stain! 

fringed stocking with clothespin on twine

The banner can be hung on the mantel, you can make it longer by adding more stockings too! 

stocking banner on stone fireplace

You can also hang it on a ladder or maybe an ornament rack like the one I made here. 

wooden display pegs with banner

With some of the leftover placemat fabric I made a few more stockings without fringe to hang from the free. This very cool hanging ornament display is a recent DIY project. 

stocking and mitten

A mitten or two is also a cute ornament to add to this grouping. 

mitten from striped placemat

Please pin for later --->>

banner and wooden rack with overlay

This was such an easy project and took no time... you still have time to add a few more decorations!

stocking and mitten ornament with overlay


Ornaments on peg shelf


Mini striped Christmas stocking

Thanks so much for visiting and before you go please take a minute to sign up for the Homeroad emails so my next DIY tutorial will go out straight to you!

stockings and ornament rack


I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .