DIY Gilded Gold Dollar Tree Ornaments
Some say gold leaf, gilded, gold leafing... call it what you want it is beautiful and can make a simple dollar store ornament look great!
You can do this process on ornaments you already have or buy a sleeve of them for $1.25 at the dollar store and make them over!
That's what I did! Take a look...
I began with a tube of Dollar Tree ornaments. I chose the gold, it has sparkle gold and plain gold.

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I'm using the plain gold ornaments in the sleeve for this project. The first thing I did was to pull off the cheap little plastic hanger tops. They came off very easily. I used a chalky paint to paint them black, let them dry, then gave them a second coat.
I did nothing to the Christmas balls except paint a little gold leaf adhesive onto them and let it dry. On some of the balls I painted the top and some the bottom of the ornaments with adhesive.
When the adhesive dried it was time to add the gold leaf. I opened up the book of gold leaf paper and just placed the ornament with the adhesive side down onto the gold leaf page. The gold leaf immediately adheres to the glue.
The glue is very sticky so prepare to have gold leaf all over you and your ornament. 😂
I used a soft brush to remove as much of the gold leaf as would brush off on the ornaments. I do love the look of the flakey gold!
I put the black hanger tops back onto the ornaments and this time they look so much more high end than they did before!
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What did I do with the sparkly ornaments that came in the pack? I added them to a round basket filled with pinecones, my cement beads, and the bumpy vase I made a while back.
These little pretties are the first ornaments on my tree this year and I am looking forward to finishing it up with more fun DIY ornaments.
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