Christmas Lantern Makeover
Sometimes a little spray paint can make all the difference between tossing something and loving it!
This weekend I was cleaning up summer on the deck when I ran across a lantern I bought earlier in the year.
The lantern was rusty (and not in a good way), the frosted glass was damaged, and it looked like heck!
Until I grabbed my favorite spray paint and performed a Christmas miracle!
See what I mean...

So like I said, I was about to toss this undesirable and as I was determining which parts to save, I had a better idea.

While you're reading through this post please visit the bold blue links for information on the products I used and more related Homeroad ideas! Also, the READ MORE section will take you to even more DIY projects!

I can save the whole lantern! I began by disassembling it. I removed all the glass which is pretty easy because most lantern glass is held in with little flaps that can be bent.
Be careful! The glass can be sharp!

The glass on this lantern was frosted and scratched but I realized when I washed it that it was covered with contact paper. I removed the frosted contact paper and opted for the clear glass.
Once all the glass was removed, I wiped down the lantern and brought it outside.

I used my favorite black matte spray paint to give it a fabulous new color. The old wire shelf riser from the dollar store makes a great base for spray painting!

When the black paint was dry, I put the glass and the candle back into the lantern.

Miraculously the candle that was original to the lantern still worked so I put it back into place and turned it on!
You can find battery operated candles on Amazon. I bought these, they have a remote and you can adjust the flicker. They look beautiful!

I added a little red checked ribbon to the top of the lantern and filled it with pinecones.
Did you even know you can buy pinecones?
This makeover literally took me an hour! I may just have to go look for more lanterns out in my shed!
Here is another Christmas lantern you might like!

Now this beautiful lantern can be used year round! Fill it with anything seasonal and the best part is that the candle is battery operated!

The easy paper star garland is a DIY project from last year as well as the reversible bread board in the background!

I hope this inspires you to look around your home and before you toss it... remake it!

Add bells and greenery for an even more beautiful look.

I'm so glad I took the time and the cost of a can of spray paint to give this old lantern a Christmas makeover!
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